Stellenbosch part 3 – Cape Town’s Victoria & Alfred Waterfront

I love Cape Town, it is a vibrant and exciting place. When in need of some relaxation and a break from tasting and judging wines, then a stroll around Cape Town’s Victoria and Alfred Waterfront is absolutely perfect. The air is lovely, there are shops that cater to every need and want and bars and restaurants galore. In fact the only downside is the abundance of dive-bombing seagulls.

The Waterfront is a gentrified harbour that has been spruced up and turned into a shopping centre and leisure complex, as found the world over from San Francisco to Valencia, but it is very well done and provides a splendid place to relax.

I spent a pleasant evening there last night, strolling, window shopping and drinking – all followed by a memorable dinner in a seafood restaurant called Baia, which means bay and is pronounced ‘ba-hia‘.

It is a splendid restaurant and I thought that I would share it with you. The food leans towards Portuguese colonial with specialities from Mozambique – including superb piri-piri sauce.

Spoilt for choice I ordered the speciality fish platter that included calamari, dorada, gambas, langostines and a lobster.

a dinner to remember

It was a real treat to enjoy such an array of seafood, as it would be hugely expensive in Britain – if I could find it at all. Everything was excellent, however I must single out the calamari for special praise, as I often find in South Africa. They were tender and flavoursome and had been cooked to perfection in piri-piri.

Our group was treated to a sparkling wine as an aperitif, which although very good, was most noticeable for the manner in which it was served. I had never seen a napkin twisted to form a sort of cradle like this before, it struck me as stylish and I will try to recreate it when I get home.

So, there is just one more day of the Michelangelo Wine Awards left, my teeth are black and I am very tired – it doesn’t sound hard work to taste wine, but it is tiring for some reason – but it will soon be over and I will be home by Monday.

One thought on “Stellenbosch part 3 – Cape Town’s Victoria & Alfred Waterfront

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